
Voor sommigen van jullie is de route naar het Hajraa Buitentoernooi al heel vertrouwd. Bezoek je ook ons toernooi voor de 2e, 10e of zelfs de 40e keer? We kijken er naar uit om jullie in het weekend van 14, 15 en 16  juni weer te zien!! Bezoek je voor het aller eerst het Hajraa Buitentoernooi of ben je de locatie vergeten? Je kunt het adres hieronder vinden!

The campsite is located on the campus of Eindhoven University of Technology (TU/e) and is next to the John F. Kennedylaan. From Eindhoven Central station the campsite is located on a few minutes walking distance. Leave the station via the north side (busses) and walk towards the buildings of the TU/e.

Eindhoven University of Technology
Den Dolech 2
5612 AZ Eindhoven

There are plenty of parking facilities on the TU/e campus and you can park your car here free of charge throughout the weekend. It is not allowed to stand still or unload your car in front of the entrances to the campsite, but a luggage service will take all your belongings from the parking lot to the camp site.

Match location
The matches are played on the fields of ‘Sportpark de Hondsheuvels’ located next to the TU/e campus. Even if you don’t participate in the tournament you are more than welcome to come have a look and a beer.

Sportpark de Hondsheuvels
J.C. Dirkxpad 1
5631 BZ Eindhoven

Party location
Would you like to come dance and have some drinks at the Hajraa Outdoor Tournament? You can find our parties on Friday and Saturday evenings in the TU/e Markthal. Come to the TU/e campus, follow the sound, and you will find us!

Eindhoven University of Technology
Den Dolech 2
5612 AZ Eindhoven