General Information

Toernooi 2025

The Hajraa Outdoor Tournament is the biggest grass volleyball tournament in the world! Every year we organize a big tournament for more than 500 teams consisting of two days of volleyball, two nights of festivities and a campsite. Teams can sign up for different levels, from mixed recreational to premier league men and women, so there is something for everyone! This tournament will take place in June on the University grounds in Eindhoven.

Algemene informatie

Het Hajraa Buitentoernooi is sinds haar eerste editie in 1979, met 80 teams, uitgegroeid tot het grootste grasvolleybaltoernooi ter wereld. Met 500 teams van verschillende nationaliteiten op meer dan 100 velden en met meer dan 6000 volleyballiefhebbers en andere feestgangers op twee campings en 2 enorme feesten en heel veel liter bier is dit toch wel een bijna legendarisch toernooi te noemen!

In one week time the sports area and the campus of the Eindhoven University of Technology will transform into the biggest volleyball event of the world with two full days of volleyball, Saturday afternoon theme-activities and both on Friday and Saturday evenings the biggest and most spectacular parties you can think of with live bands every night.

Next to a big part of competitors from our neighbouring countries, we’re also able to welcome participants from far and wide. For instance, in 2000 a delegation from Taiwan came to play and in 2001 students from Romania managed to win the Open Dutch Students Championship on Grass. In 2007 we were surprised by a team from Canada and a team from Haifa has been one of the higher scoring teams during ODSCG for multiple years.

This well-known tournament, that has gained international fame, is organised by students from Eindhoven’s Student Volleyball Association Hajraa, who are preparing almost year-round. Hajraa is an association active in both regional and national competitions and always always entails fun!

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Location Sportfields Technical University (TU/e) Eindhoven (NL)
Tournament type Outdoor, grass volleyball
Match type 6 vs 6, fields of 9x9 meter
Levels Recreational or competitive 4th class to premier league for women's teams, men's teams and mixed teams!

Dutch Student Championships (NSK)

Subscription fee  €110 regulier & €140 NSK (Inschrijfgeld 2025 TBD)